If it moves, it can be burned, and if it can be burnt, the Pyromancer does it best.

Meet Your Heroes: The Pyromancer

March 20, 2025

“Now you’re actually doing something you might do well; setting things on fire! But for Arden this time!” - Scorch 

While their sibling Scorch might not be the brightest ember in the furnace, they do know one thing: their little kin has a mighty fire burning within them. The Pyromancer has always had a reputation to strive for, and based on your preferences, their dreams may lie within being a leader of the people, finding purpose after a long slumber, or perhaps failed ambition will drive them. 

No matter how you choose their path, they will always be the warmth that their party relies on. 


The Pyromancer might look adorable, but they’re a confined inferno and they need to let it out.  Fire’s the name of the game, and unleashing it is the prize. The Pyromancer really gets their power by absorbing Fire and making it their own, then unleashing it through their abilities. 

Each stack of Firepower, their passive ability, gives +2 to each attack, and they can stack it up to 3 times! This will also stack with any Strength buffs, so if you want to erase something off the map (with fire), the Pyromancer is for you. 

After completing the first few missions in Sunderfolk, the Pyromancer will be able to use: 

  • Bouncing Blaze: Move, deal ranged damage, with a bonus of your fireball bouncing to an adjacent enemy. It’s a deadly hot potato! 
  • Flame Breath: Move towards enemies and unleash a line fire attack that can hit up to 3 foes! 
  • Meteor Crash: Become the fireball of your dreams. Leap 3, and deal damage to all enemies around your landing spot. You can also create your own Fire this way! 

Fun Fact: The Pyro loves being surrounded by fire! Not fun for your teammates, though. 

The Pyromancer isn’t always just about raw damage! This is a game of strategy and tactics after all, and they’ll need to have a few extra tricks up their sleeve if they want to help their team out. Luckily, they do receive some great abilities that can help boost their survivability and overall tankiness. 

The Pyro can start to cast the following at later levels: 

  • Trailblaze: Become the fiery change you want to be in the world. Set 3 hexes on fire, leap to one of them, then deal damage to whoever is in range. 
  • Cauterize: Did the Rogue take that last heal shrine? Move towards fire, choose an area with tons of it, then absorb it all and heal 2 health for each fire you absorb. Your teammates will appreciate the space back, too. 
  • Friendly Fire: Make your friends nervous by targeting them after moving, then unleash some fire right on them and deal damage to adjacent enemies! Your friend won’t be hurt, physically at least. 

Look at that delighted face. No Rangers were harmed in the making of this screenshot. Well, not by the Pyro, anyway. 

Fiery Fate

What the Pyromancer makes up for in damage, they lose in mobility in early game missions.  However, you can eventually change that with the power of fate (cards)! 

You can either go the more damage route, or pick cards that can teleport you safety from danger. After all, enemies are going to want to hit the squishy salamander that made their friends go boom. 

Some Fate Card build options for the Pyro are:

  • Leaping Away: Using Leap cards can be a massive help when you’re surrounded by enemies. With some built-in leap cards, you can truly become the frog salamander-hop master. 
  • Absorb and Conquer: Using Fate Cards that allow you to absorb any adjacent Fire surrounding you is a great way to guarantee you’ll never run out of firepower. This also includes potential healing for any fire absorbed! 
  • All the Fire: Why wait for Fire to appear when you can make it yourself. With each cast, you’ll be able to add more Fire to the board, which can set up some defenses as well as leave you with plenty of fire to absorb later. 
Pair these Fate Cards with Meteor Strike, and you can leap frog your way across the map. If you’re lucky on the draw. 

Ultimate Fireball

The Pyromancer is no stranger to tons of damage, and their Ultimate ability, Inferno, truly embodies that sentiment. Inferno allows the Pyromancer to dominate the field by moving into position, and cast a massive area-of-effect fireball that damages enemies and leaves behind a roaring fire in each empty hex that the fireball hits. 

So if there ARE enemies left after that, they’ll be surrounded by, well, you know. 

A dexterity save won’t save you from this! 

While the Pyromancer is hard to top when it comes to dealing damage, they’re hardly a one-man show. If you want a good mix of support and long-range attacks, then we have the perfect character for you!

Stay tuned for the Ranger spotlight! 

If you’d like to visit one of our earlier Hero spotlights, check out:

Thank you! 

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